Here there is a list of suggested accommodations in Legnaro and in Padova.
- La posa degli Agri (http://www.laposadegliagri.com/it/contatti/) Students can contact the hotel directly to arrange a room, specifying that they are Agripolis guests attending the Winter School (please put in the subject of request: “Summer School MEAT - June 2018”) to get discount.
- B&B Barchessa da Rio (http://www.veneto-agriturismo.it/index.php?section=agriturismo&provincia=Padova&id=barchessadario) http://www.barchessadario.com/
- Hotel Baretta (https://www.albergobaretta.com/)
More options for accommodation in Padova at: http://www.unipd.it/en/research/international-scholars/housing-and-cante...