FSE Assegni
Every year, the Veneto region publishes a call with the general aim of investing in growth and employment through the Programma Operativo Regionale - Fondo Sociale Europeo (FSE) 2014-2020. The Dgr. 1663/19 - Regolamento 1304/2013 - Asse I Occupabilità finances the projects related to research grant with this title: Innovation and research for a more competitive Veneto. The project aims to use innovation to improve the management of mastitis in farms through monitoring systems of udder health and reduce the use of antibiotics at farms stays in this FSE Program.
Regional code 2105-0022-1463-2019, CUP C94E19000660008.
The project
This project is in collaboration with the DAFNAE department, which is also based in Agripolis. The intervention which made the project are two, a DAFNAE ones and the MAPS one: Differential count of somatic cells in milk: a new pre-screening tool for bovine mastitis and for management of the drying period.
The general aim is to create a decision support system in the zootechnic sector using innovative tools to obtain information that would allow better supervision and management of mastitis in dairy farms. The final purpose is to give veterinarians and farmers a rapid tool that is intuitive and cheaper to use than alternatives to obtain mastitis pre-screening.