Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Lab
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Lab conducts research and diagnostic activities. It uses microbiological methods and those are referred to the blood; with this techniques, which are the classic ones, the lab works also with biomolecular techniques.
The diagnosis of infectious diseases is central to safeguarding animals’ health and reproductive processes; its use is also necessary in terms of public health.
The lab provides diagnosis through the research and identification of microorganisms from animals (samples can come from blood, urine, pads, feces, tissues). Other tasks include the evaluation of animals’ immune response to pathogens from blood or serum samples. Isolation of microorganisms is done using traditional microbiological techniques.
Also, the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Lab can conduct antimicrobial, phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of bacteria isolated from companion and livestock animals.
The Lab has become a reference point for veterinarians of the region, especially for the planning and implementation of studies focused, which are important to getting better the infectious diseases control ability in animal production. Its scientists collaborate with a number of organisations of the land, such as the food production/supply chain, the pharmaceuticals industry and private and public companies. The ability to find ad hoc diagnostic procedures for specific epidemiologic situations, pathogenesis studies, efficacy evaluation methods of control measures and the use of statistical analysis could be agreed with the lab to be employed in more efficient productions, respecting animal welfare.
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Lab staff
Scientific Expert and Manager: Dr Daniela Pasotto
e-mail: daniela.pasotto@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2967; +39 049 827 2972
Technician Expert and Manager: Alessandra Mondin
e-mail: alessandra.mondin@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2616
Other professors and technicians
Prof. Mattia Cecchinato
e-mail: mattia.cecchinato@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2968
Prof. Michele Drigo
e-mail: michele.drigo@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2968
Dr Giovanni Franzo
e-mail: giovanni.franzo@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2968
Dr Maria Luisa Menandro
e-mail: marialuisa.menandro@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2967
Dr Claudia Maria Tucciarone
e-mail: claudiamaria.tucciarone@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2968
Dr Giorgia Dotto
e-mail: giorgia.dotto@unipd.it
Tel: +39 049 827 2616
Lab tools
- Cabina di sicurezza biologica di Classe II, a flusso laminare verticale certificata TUV per EN12469:2000 modello SafeMate Vision 1.2 (Euroclone)
- Cabina sicurezza biologica di Classe II, a flusso laminare verticale Biohazard MN120 (Nüve)
- 1 Incubatore Memmert
- 2 Incubatore Memmert INC108 a CO2
- 1 Incubatore Memmert IPP110 PLUS
- 1 Centrifuga da banco Haereus labfuge 400R function line
- 1 Centrifuga da banco Eppendorf S424
- 1 Microscopio Olympus CX41
- 1 Microscopio Olympus SZX12
- 1 Microscopio Leica ATC2000
- 1 Microscopio a fluorescenza Leyca DM LS
- 1 Bagnomaria termostatato con agitatore Memmert
- 1 Lettore per piastre ELISA Multiskan FC Thermo Fisher Scientific
How to bring samples to the lab
Please contact the lab for information on how to bring samples to the lab.
Lab hours
Mon to Fri: 08.30 to 16.30
For more information, please contact:
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Lab
Edificio Stecche – Stecca I, primo piano - Agripolis
Viale dell’Università 16 35020, Legnaro (PD)
Tel. +39 049 827 2972; +39 049 827 2616
e-mail: laboratorio.malattieinfettive@unipd.it